All church members are invited to deepen their involvement and leadership in the church’s work. One way folks get involved is through serving on church committees. Most of our church committees are open to anyone who is interested in joining. If you’d like to check out a committee, even just to try it out, feel free to contact the chair or just show up to a meeting!



Worship Committee is responsible for overseeing the planning of congregational worship. This involves big-picture things as well as details, like decorating the sanctuary.

Children & Youth Christian Education

The Children & Youth Christian Education Committee seeks to nurture and form the faith of children Birth to Adulthood within the congregation. This is carried out through Youth Quest and Confirmation.

Adult Christian Education

The Adult Christian Education Committee seeks help grow into maturity the faith of Adults through classes, studies, and special events.

Mission and Outreach

Mission and Outreach stewards and coordinates the mission work of the church, as well as seeks ways to reach out to our neighbors in the community.


This committee helps facilitate and plan fellowship events in the church.

Administration and Finance

Administration and Finance oversees the financial aspects of the church.


Stewardship Committee seeks to help our congregation to grow in generosity. They facilitate our annual Stewardship Season, as well as other giving-oriented events throughout the year.

Earth Care

Earth Care committee seeks to help us be good stewards of the Earth, God’s good creation. They have helped wean us off paper plates and plastic utensils.

Building and Grounds

Building and Grounds maintains and improves our physical plant and grounds.


The Nominating Committee is elected annually by the congregation to discern and nominate church members to serve as elders, deacons, as well as future Nominating Committee members. Only those nominated by the congregation, plus one elder and one deacon may serve.


Personnel Committee is the main human resources team that interfaces with church staff. They conduct annual reviews and handle staff issues. Only particular committee chairs may serve on this committee.

*Specifies committees that are not open to general membership.