Financial Giving at LoveJoy United

“In all this I have given you an example that by such work we must support the weak, remembering the words of the Lord Jesus, for he himself said, ‘it is more blessed to give than to receive.’”

–Acts 20:35

Give ↗

Not only does our generosity strengthen the church’s mission, it also strengthens our faith in the God to whom all things belong. Giving to God’s mission at LoveJoy United is an essential and profound way that we invest in the work of Jesus Christ and his coming Kingdom.

Below you can choose which funds to contribute to, how much to give, and how often. Note that upon checking out you may choose to offset any charges incurred by the credit card or banking transaction. We are grateful for your generosity.

Pledge ↗

Giving is an essential spiritual discipline; pledging is tool that enables us and our church leaders to steward the gifts you have entrusted to the church for ministry. Because circumstances in our lives can change unexpectedly, a pledge is not a contract, but an estimate of what you hope to contribute in the next year. This enables us to plan, budget, and dream about how we can respond to God’s call in the future.

How much should I pledge?

Because everyone’s financial situation is different, there is no one answer. Many choose to pledge a percentage (10%, 5%, 3%) of their annual income. The average pledge at LoveJoy United is around $2,000. Pledges of any amount are welcome and necessary.

Mobile App

Giving on the go is now easier than ever. Whether you’re sitting in worship as the offering plate is going around or away on vacation and don’t want to miss the offering, there is a smartphone app for you.

Download the App from the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store, search for LoveJoy United Presbyterian Church. Then select the fund, amount, and frequency of your gift. Learn more.