February 2023 Newsletter
Download February 2023 Newsletter
Bring a dish and join us for a potluck on Jan 29 after the Annual Congregational Meeting to meet your deacon and others in your care group. The main meat dishes will be provided.
This year’s Christmas Eve Offering will benefit the Alton Overnight Warming Center, which opens its doors to our homeless neighbors when the temperature is at or below 20 degrees.
Nearly 15,000 people facing crippling medical debt will get an early Christmas present this year with the help of Presbyterian congregations in Kansas, Missouri, and southwestern Illinois.
Join us as we celebrate the seasons of Advent and Christmas: Anticipating and welcoming Christ into our lives anew.
When the United and College Avenue Churches merged in 2016 to become LoveJoy United Presbyterian Church, the new congregation approved a plan to make the inclusivity of LGBTQ+ people one of LoveJoy United’s Core Values.
A gift to the Peace & Global Witness Offering enables the church to promote the Peace of Christ by addressing systems of conflict and injustice across the world.
This summer, we are reading through the Old Testament prophets. In the words of Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, “A prophet’s true greatness is his ability to hold God and man in a single thought.”