Holy Week Services
Join us for Palm Sunday, Good Friday, and Easter Services.
Join us as we welcome the birth of the Christ Child at LoveJoy United. We’ll celebrate by reading the sacred story of Christmas, celebrating communion, and singing by candlelight.
Amy Camie, a certified clinical musician, is offering Relax and Remember Love, a solo harp journey of traditional Advent and Christmas melodies.
Join us for what will certainly be a goofy, but nonetheless joyful gathering.
The book investigates a series of murders of wealthy Osage people that took place in Osage County, Oklahoma in the early 1920s—after big oil deposits were discovered beneath their land.
Join us as we celebrate the 5th Anniversary of LoveJoy United’s founding!
LoveJoy United Church has rented the Splash Pad. There are nearby shelters, but you can bring a lawn chair if you want to just watch at the splash pad. There are playground areas nearby, too.
Join us as we celebrate the life of Jane Sullivan, who passed away December, 2020.
Movie Night at LoveJoy United: The Doctrine of Discovery – August 8 at 6:30 PM in the Fellowship Hall and Zoom.The film tells the story of how little known Vatican documents of the fifteenth century resulted in a tragic global momentum of domination and dehumanization.